An Award (And An Apology)

A little more horn-tooting: The Loom has just been named a winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science's 2004 Science Journalism Award. The judges considered three pieces: Hamilton's Fall, Why the Cousins Are Gone, and My Darwinian Daughters. Here's the press release. Thanks to the judges--it's gratifying to see that it's possible for a little blog to swim with the big online sharks.

On the other hand, the news is a bit embarrassing, coming as it does while I've left the Loom woefully neglected over the past couple weeks. I've been working on a lot of articles, such as a piece for Science about the new hypothesis that our ancestors evolved to run. (Here's a shorter version; the full version will go online later today.)


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Congratulations to Charlotte and Veronica's daddy...but many of us have known for years just how fine a writer you are. When did you say that next book is coming out?

By Carl Buell (not verified) on 18 Nov 2004 #permalink

Your site has become one of those lame sites where all you do is list who else linked to you and what awards you've won....

Congrats on the award. Well deserved! I hope more people get informed by reading your stuff.