Twice the Yak

Just an update to my post about talking this weekend at the National Association of Science Writers meeting: in addition to the panel I was originally scheduled to join--on book publicity--I've also been added to a panel talk on Friday afternoon called "Navigating the New Media." I'm subbing for writer Rebecca Skloot, who cannot come.

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As I've mentioned in passing before, I'll be attending the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science next weekend, in order to appear on a panel about the TIMSS Advanced 2008 test. I'm an idiot, and didn't submit an abstract in time (I thought there was a perfectly…
In the last couple of weeks, I have suddenly acquired a rather full travel schedule for the coming months. The odd thing is that none of these trips are book-publicity junkets-- they're all basically professional-type appearances, several of them taking place before How to Teach Physics to Your Dog…
Continuing with the tradition from last two years, I will occasionally post interviews with some of the participants of the ScienceOnline2010 conference that was held in the Research Triangle Park, NC back in January. See all the interviews in this series here. You can check out previous years'…
This past weekend I was in Durham, North Carolina (my old stomping grounds) attending the annual ScienceOnline Conference that focuses on science communication in the digital age. I am pleased to report that Anton and Bora have built on their previous successes to accomplish something rare for a…

Is it just me, your posts show all the way at the bottom of the page below all the side panels.

George, works properly for me...

By David B. Benson (not verified) on 31 Oct 2006 #permalink

I'm getting the same effect as George unless I click the side link to the post -- then the post appears in the center pane. I'm using Internet Explorer version 6.

I experience the same problem as above on numerous blogs associated with the Seed magazine.

By naturalist (not verified) on 05 Nov 2006 #permalink