Next Week: A Double-Header In Utah

Next week I'll be heading to Utah. Southern Utah University asked me to be their Visiting Eccles Scholar, which means that I'll be spending a couple days talking with students and faculty. I'll also be giving two talks that are open to the public. The first, Wednesday evening, will be on global warming and extinctions, about which I wrote an article for the New York Times a couple months back. The next evening I'll be talking about E. coli and the meaning of life. It's the first time I'll be speaking about my book in public, so I'm looking forward to sharing some of the stuff I learned while writing it. So if you're anywhere in the vicinity of Cedar City, come on out.

SUU - College of Science: Zimmer Presentations

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Well, I'm a long way from Utah, unfortunately. But in some ways, the most interesting session is the closed one ...

Writing Science for the Public: The Art of Translation

Thursday, March 29
11:00 am
Starlight Room, Sharwan Smith Center

Presentation for Faculty, Staff and Students

Any chance of a transcript or something like that showing up either here or on your home site?

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 20 Mar 2007 #permalink

As visiting Eccles Scholar, do you have to make the cakes?


That's too far for me to make it. Any chance of coming up here to Maine? We'd love to have you!