I See Stupid People: the Evolution and Morality Edition


I might have more to say about the Delaware mini-pogrom later, but by way of Bartholomew's Notes on Religion, I found this bit of abject idiocy:

Just two hours prior, while executive session was held, Bennett led nearly 100 spectators in song as they waited patiently for the news.

..."If these kids are taught evolution -- that they came from apes -- and they're not given the basis of faith, what's to stop them from acting like animals?" he said.

"What's to stop them from acting like animals?" I dunno. How about doing your fucking job as a parent, and setting a good example? Not running religious minorities out of town might be a good place to start. Just a thought.

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"If these kids are taught evolution -- that they came from apes -- and they're not given the basis of faith, what's to stop them from acting like animals?"

Here's the real question:

"If kids are not taught what centuries of the scientific endeavor has learned about the world, and are not taught that we can think about and understand the world around us, what makes any of us any different from animals?"


"What's to stop them from acting like animals?" I dunno. How about doing your fucking job as a parent, and setting a good example? Not running religious minorities out of town might be a good place to start. Just a thought.

Oh come now, you must know that the evil power of the Liberal Athiest "majority" who is set on persecution of the faithful will always be more powerful then their parenting skills.