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(from Science 313:1384)

Have at it readers. And it doesn't need to be tasteful...

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The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 3483 - 1384 - 1341 - 1251 - 1215 out of 398 candidates registered. I am now in fourth place so I need your votes more than ever to recapture first place, so please ask your friends and relatives to vote for me now! If you've already voted, then…
The Corporate Masters have posted a new Ask a ScienceBlogger question: The question (submitted by a reader) is this: There are many, many academic bloggers out there feverishly blogging about their areas of interest. Still, there are many, many more academics who don't. So, why do you blog and how…

"After the dolphin assassins escaped custody during Hurricane Katrina, the Navy decided they needed something more sluggish but just as violent. Hence, cyborg elephant seal assassins."

I think we're going to need the 50 gallons of massage oil after all.

Tired of his high-profile status, TV-star Jimmy Smitts decides to retire to a quieter life, practicing veterinary medicine on marine mammals.


"I know it ain't pleasant but I really need you to keep your eyes on the job while you're attaching the rectal implant."

Our robot sand-droid should blend right in with the sand people of Tattooine.

(But the winner is already the "OK, On the count of three,...")

"Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology..."

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 16 Oct 2006 #permalink

Elephant seals with freakin' laser beams attached to their heads!

"Damn, isn't the one on my head enough?"

By michael schmidt (not verified) on 16 Oct 2006 #permalink

O.K. it's done, set the table

"like my proboscis?"

these guys are worse than gnats

what? i'm chopped liver?

beam me up Scottie

the least you could do is feed me 10 kilos of crab

where the hell is a bull when you need one?

so tell me. do you think i have enough blubber?

well that was a sloppy stick in the carotid. thanks alot

look you stupid fooking humans, stop wasting your time on me and get your selfish asses in gear. you have already doomed 25% of the world's biota, if not more. stop it you fools.

Scientists are currently putting the finishing touches to the first ever chef robot. The robot, named AFIKZX48K, is capable of cooking Sichuan, Shandong and Canton cuisines. Four years and over $2,500,000 was spent on developing the robot.