"Damaged Goods?"

CNN describes Nancy Pelosi as "damaged goods", and she hasn't even had her chance to screw up the country yet. Digby sums it up nicely:

There are no honeymoons for Democrats. Remember that. And "moral authority" is about haircuts and Hollywood, not torture and illegal wars. It is not merely a fight against the Republicans or a fight over politics and policy. It is a non-stop battle with the press to cover events with seriousness and responsiblity. For some reason, when Democrats are in power the press corps immediately goes from being merely shallow to insufferable, sophomoric assholes....

These are Clinton rules, folks. Get used to it.

Now can we impeach the media?


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Did they really use the phrase that was traditionally used describe a woman who was no longer marraigable due to sexual activity - frequently, due to her having been raped?

I see they did.

This CNN comment is nothing but sexism. The suits in the media are upset over the fact that Ms. Palosi will be the first female Speaker of the House in history.

Did they really use the phrase that was traditionally used describe a woman who was no longer marraigable due to sexual activity - frequently, due to her having been raped?

I see they did.
They did indeed.

And they did it with full knowledge of the original meaning.