The Brotherhood of Ivanwald: Our Country Is Still Run By Crazy People

Well, the Republicans aren't in charge of Congress anymore, but they still can bring the crazy. Nitpicker, in decrying Rep. Virgil Goode's disgusting anti-Muslim bigotry, links to this piece about "the Family", which is essentially a far-right Christianist cult. God save us from those who believe so fervently in him.

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Its their game plan. Whenever they lose a republican, the others have to be twice as crazy to insure we never have a moron deficit.

A new law of nature: the conservation of idiocy.

Speaking of bigotry, Dicky Dawkins claims Judaims promotes genocide. (p 256 of his Delusional book.)

Thats nothing, DMC. On pages 4 and 44 he complains about the "notorious" Jewish Lobby!

World Jewish conspriacy anyone! Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Squawkin Dawkins is such a bigot.

By Lev Bronstein (not verified) on 24 Dec 2006 #permalink

These people need a plague or something to thin out their ranks. Locusts would be nice, or rivers of blood.

Yeah, rivers of blood will do.