More Lies From the Discovery Institute

I know, I know: dog bites man. Anyway, I received this note from a colleague who attended a Seattle screening of Randy Olson's Flock of Dodos:

...There were lots of ID folk in the audience, since the Discovery Institute is here in Seattle. So we had some pretty antagonistic questions. But what was really amazing is that Discovery Institute folks secretly tape recorded the whole event and posted a podcast with edited segments to their website, taking Randy's comments out of context and making it look as if he was retracting the claims in his film.

Talk about slimy tactics! I've never seen a real scientist do anything like that. Seems to me that if they want people to think they are doing science, they'd best start acting like scientists.

You can hear the distortion here.

The creationist right (funny, how there isn't a creationist left): still using words as weapons.

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Sizzle Randy Olson is a Harvard ('84) trained marine biologist with field experience on the Great Barrier Reef, in the Antarctic, the US Virgin Islands, and elsewhere. He even spent a little time with Jacques Cousteau. But an extensive career in marine biology was not to be. Randy started…

no surprise that DI distorts, seems to be common among evangelicals. Any response from Randy yet.

By richCares (not verified) on 14 Feb 2007 #permalink

Did anyone with a conscience also tape the appearance? The best way to battle an editing job like htat would be to post a full recording.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 15 Feb 2007 #permalink