Birds Do It, Bees Do It, But Does...

This is only 'petting' so it's OK

...Senator and Republican presidential candidate John "Snuggles" McCain do it? For that matter, evangelicals do it--even before getting married. This makes McCain's support for abstinence-only sex education even more ridiculous. But let's talk more about sex, baby.

What's always struck as ludicrous is that, as one study indicates, almost no one is a virgin when they get married. I don't think I know any married couple who were virginal on their wedding night because they were living together before they got hitched. Maybe they were sleeping with one foot on the floor the whole time, but somehow I doubt it. In fact, I'm pretty sure almost every one I know had been 'seriously' involved with someone else before they met his or her spouse.

And does anyone think that Republican campaigns, which are full of 20-somethings as all campaigns are, are staffed by virgins? Should they have to sign a pledge before joining the campaign? Seriously, do you think Ann Coulter is a virgin? OK, moving right along...

Someone needs to start asking abstinence-only candidates at what age--if ever--they think it's alright for unmarried people to have sex.

I'm not advocating that fourteen year-olds run around having sex, or that someone has 100 sex partners per year (the latter can have health risks attendant with it). But 'abstinence'? It's just not part of the U.S. reality.

I guess we're just a nation of dirty sluts. Thank the Intelligent Designer for that.

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If that picture was taken in Texas they could be in trouble. To quote the dearly departed Molly Ivans, in Texas, "it's illegal for a prick to touch an asshole"

By TomDunlap (not verified) on 21 Feb 2007 #permalink

Man, did you have to bring Ann Coulter up in this context? Man, talk about disturbing...

If the Federal Government is to be believed, you have to be 28 before you can legitimately decide to have pre-marital sex.

"It's just not part of the U.S. reality.

Pity we can't say the same about the neocons... only their minds!

By David Harmon (not verified) on 20 Feb 2007 #permalink