When Your Foreign Policy Repulses John Negroponte...

...the man who helped bring you Iran-Contra, you know you've gone too far. Seymour Hersh has a new article in the New Yorker about the Bush Administration's Middle East 'strategy.' It's more ridiculous than Iran-Contra.

Why do I say that? Because we're backing indirectly Sunni groups in Lebanon opposed to Hizbollah that are linked to Al-Queda.

Let's replay that last sentence:

Because we're backing indirectly Sunni groups in Lebanon opposed to Hizbollah that are linked to Al-Queda.

[sound of jaw hitting floor]

I swear to the Intelligent Designer, these guys are dumber than Conservapedia. Didn't we learn anything about 'blowback' from our support of Afghan wackjobs...like bin Laden? Even Negroponte figured this out.

I'm speechless. Just speechless.

Related video: Here's an interview with Hersh.

Additional note: Negroponte was seen as "too ethical for some of the operations the Pentagon wants to run." [jaw hits floor again]

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