I Want This Car

While walking to work a couple of weeks ago, I saw this Smart car tooling around Boston. And it's no ordinary Smart car either...


It's apparently part of a promotion for a chocolate company. Yes, it has bunny ears.

an aside: Am I the only one who thinks Smart cars should be called iCars?


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They're great little cars - my wife has one (not a bunny one though!), and whilst they're getting pretty common now in the UK, we still get surprised looks when we drive past (and little old ladies always seem to grin at us and mouth "that's lovely!")

On the "i" thing, did you know that Smart stands for "Swatch Mercedes Art" - (the cars have swappable plastic body panels, like a swatch watch) but Swatch pulled out due to initial heavy losses [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_(automobile) ]

A few months ago, my local newspaper's free supplement ran an article about the hoops a college professor had to jump through to get one of these (This was before they were available through the usual channels in the USA). It was continued across 6 pages, and this was in the free promotional version they stick in every mailbox in the city.

I thought the dead tree to car ratio made for delightful irony.

A friend of mine in Denver has one (a convertible no less!), and I got to drive it around a bit. Lots of fun and LOTS of strange looks!

There are loads of Smarts up here in Victoria, BC -- they can't sell enough it seems. And I've seen (online) a mod with a Suzuki Hayabusa (motorcycle) engine which is super fast and very cool.

someone wrote that they live in the UK and get suprised looks when they drive down the street. i live in New York and i really want a smart car. ive never seen one rolling down the street (except for police ones that don't really look like smarts) and even though they don't sell smarts in NY they sell theam in new jersey so i think i'm gonna buy one and i cant wait to get everyones attenion when i'm rolling in my smart


The Smarts have been rated a five star crash rating

Color me old-fasioned, but it appear to me that the Smart car is the natural evolution of the Yugo...

I'll buy one, though, at $4.00/gallon and rising...

By Blaidd Drwg (not verified) on 04 Jun 2008 #permalink

I am seriously thinking of buying a Smart Car.. However Id like to know how well they handle in the snow and ice.
Being such a light weight car..I cant imagine it would handle a Maine winter well.