Bush's Sartorial Splendor

I'll get to El Jefe Maximo in a moment, but to dive into even more trivial waters, the thing I've never understood about the whole Paris Hilton affair is how utterly stupid she was. Her personal stupidity doesn't shock me--it's a miracle she doesn't forget how to breathe. But rich people can hire smart people to think for them. Which brings us to Bush.

While I can be sartorially challenged, even I would have the good sense not to go outside dressed like this:

(from here)

He's wearing dark dress socks with shorts.

And Crocs.

In public.

Who dresses him? His mother? Oh Intelligent Designer, that explains everything...

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Any old chance to be snotty, right??

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 15 Jun 2007 #permalink

Hey, America is really getting quite casual. 10 or 20 years ago you'd never even see a (older) man wearing sandals. Now, in high schools, soccer sandals with socks are actually pretty popular among the boys. As far as I'm concerned, it's all for the good.

Don't forget, it's what's inside that counts (or in this case, what's not inside).

actually, and I can't believe this... those look like presidential seal cycling socks...

Bah! Who cares about how Bush dresses off the job?

Sheesh, I'll sometime make a fashion statement by wearing dark dress socks with white sneakers. The fashion statement is, of course, "I ran out of white socks, and I'm too lazy to buy more." :p

This is ridiculous. There's no good reason why anyone should care about 'dark dress socks with shorts' - and if we're talking about bush, there's a very good reason why we should not care about inanities such as his dress. He's guilty of important offenses that endanger people we care about. Prattling about 'dark dress socks with shorts' saps energy needed for battling bush on important fronts.

c'mon. obviously cycling socks. crocs because you can't walk around very well in cycling cleats. you should be thanking your stars he wears casual type cycling shorts instead of the real deal.

Hey, watch it: I'm likely to commit sartorial sins that bad and worse. In my case, it's a combination of being oblivious to fashion conventions, and not giving a flying fuck even if I did know. If that's the worst thing Boy George did that day, the world should consider itself lucky.

c'mon. obviously cycling socks. crocs because you can't walk around very well in cycling cleats. you should be thanking your stars he wears casual type cycling shorts instead of the real deal