That's What This Blog Is All About

This is how Technorati characterizes this blog:



Now go do the Hokey Pokey and shake it all about.

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Friday again, already? Oh man, lets stay topical, and ask the iPod a historical question: oh Mighty One, was there a single transition to an oxygenated archaen atmosphere, involving sudden onset of photosynthesis-2, with associated rapid mass extinction, say around the late Huronian or thereabouts…
Yesterday I posted this photo and offered up a prize for the best caption. "Well, me and Joan been together...oh, 'most forty years now. Eats a lot, but she's been good to me, sure enough! Hey, don't make fun of the uniform... [whispers] Joan kinda' likes a man-in-uniform, servin' her dinners,…
John Scalzi has a wonderful post today about weddings and marriage, in the form of advice to gay couples getting married now that the Massachusetts ruling has gone into effect as of this morning and gays are allowed to marry in that state. It's brilliant and funny and moving, and all in all a great…
Last month Tracy Spenser posted [this comment](…) on my blog: Looks like Fumento has made a fool of you again? When are you ever going to learn? And when are you going to…

And your point is? Seems accurate to me!

Except the "bloggity" thing. But I'm kinda new here.

By Old Bogus (not verified) on 02 Oct 2007 #permalink

Hilarious! So you are an iraqi conservative microbiologist who likes to talk about fucking morons? How accurate!

j/k, couldn't let that one pass!

Seriously, I'm laughing out loud here, perfect! This Technorati thingy is comedy gold.