Bush to City's Children: Drop Dead


At least Bush didn't tell the whole city to go screw itself, just the kids (from here)

ScienceBlogling Mike Dunford describes why a family making $83,000 per year needs S-CHIP despite Little Lord Pontchartrain's claims to the contrary:

After all of that [basic living expenses], the family of four has $17,550 left for insurance - assuming no unforeseen expenses, no savings, no college fund, etc.

The absolute, rock-bottom, cheapest HMO rate that NY State lists for Queens comes in at a bit over $17,640 per year. The average comes in at over $28,000 per year. Even the cheapest plan puts our family of four making an "unreasonably high" $83,000/year in the hole, and that's before they cough up a single copay.

If, after looking at all that, you still think it's unreasonable for the government to help New York families making $83,000 pay for insurance, I'd love to know why.

It isn't unreasonable at all. But Bush is more concerned that people will like government-funded healthcare than he is with keeping children healthy.

Speaking of kids... Help Public School Kids by Funding my Challenge at DonorsChoose

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