LOL Covert Ops?


It's bad enough that a plane which previously made non-stop flights from the continental U.S. to Guantanamo Bay crashed in the Yucatan with tons of cocaine aboard. What's even more ridiculous is the 'cover' story.

The plane was owned by Donna Blue Aircraft which is in the business of "Aircraft Consultance and Sales."

According to Boing Boing:

Mad Cow Morning News visited the owners of the plane, "Donna Blue Aircraft Inc" of Coconut Beach FL., and discovered that it's an "empty office suite with a blank sign out front."

There was no sign of Donna Blue Aircraft, Inc., at the address listed at the Florida Dept. of Corporations, 4811 Lyons Technology Parkway #8 in Coconut Beach FL.

However, there were, oddly enough, a half-dozen unmarked police cars parked directly in front of the empty suite.

But it gets weirder. Here's how Donna Blue Aircraft describes itself--and this is verbatim:

we are in this business over 20 years, attending South, North and Central america, with outstanding service, we are today most trusted company in this market. our customer loyality make us different.

If you think the basic description is grammatically challenged, take a look at the "About Us" section:

We opened in 1995 with the hopes of being the best. We've achieved our goal and are now proudly serving many repeat customers. Our customers look to us for great quality and incredible service. We try to deliver on these expectations every time.

We believe that your satisfaction should be guaranteed.

Then there's the "Products" section (yes, it's verbatim):

we are in aircraft market for over 20 years, we buy, sell, any type or kind of airplane. we also help companys doing consulting. today we are proud to attend Europe, South, Norrth and Central America. we have available financing for all customer that fullfill the bank requirements.

And what would be any business site without testimonials:

"I wanted to write to thank you for your great customer service. I was able to get great information and great products for a great price. What more could you ask for!"

It's from "John Doe." I'm not kidding.

These guys aren't even trying to be covert. It's as if Elmore Leonard, Carl Hiassen, and Dave Barry all decided to drop acid and together set up a bogus front company. This is the weirdest covert thing I've ever heard about (and I've heard some odd stories*).

*One story involves an individual who was a janitor in a foreign diplomatic station with a photographic memory. Unfortunately, said individual had the distressing habit, for his case officer, of grabbing women's genitals. No, I'm not saying more.

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Contact information from the Donna Blue Aircraft website:

3375 Edison Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (415) 555-5555
Fax: (415) 555-5515

No joke. See for yourself.

Eh, you expect the CIA's druglord friends to be literate?

The plane was sold twice since it's last Gitmo run. If the operation was still in spook territory the Mexicans wouldn't have been allowed to force it down, and it wouldn't have made the news here. I'd say the most likely scenario is that the friends that the CIA sold it to were either more idiotic than normal (difficult to do, I know) or they passed it on to less conected idiots (my personal fave).

But it does demonstrate one thing... that the spooks do not have tinfoil level control over public agencies. otherwise the tail number would have been changed.

Hmmm... that address that CRM-114 pointed out looks familiar:

Well, it's good to know that CIA supported drug lords are supporting Christian charities in the SF Bay area. lol

Okay, okay... just kidding! That address and the "555" phone and fax #s are apparently the default contact info that appears on any website that is made from the Homestead website-making software. Learn more here:

By doctorgoo (not verified) on 21 Oct 2007 #permalink