My Favorite Conservative Blogger Has Been Added to the Blogroll

Say hello to Jon Swift. Speaking of Jon Swift, the start of 2008 seems like a good time to have another Blogroll Amnesty Day. If you're not on my blogroll, and I'm on yours, leave me a link below and I'll add you (note: racists, creationists, and flat-out weirdos won't be accepted). Instructions below the fold.

Please put your blog name on one line, and the url on the second line, like so:

Mike the Mad Biologist

or give me a line of html code, like so:

Mike the Mad Biologist


Update: This post is closed. Go here. Thanks!

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the blogs keep rolling on. More Blogroll Amnesty**. If you link to me and you're not an asshole or a fucking moron, let me know and I'll return the favor (instructions below). For now, say hello to: Tangled Up in Blue Guy, Sorting Out Science, The force that through..., jobsanger, no fish, no…
A few months ago, I made a new page for a more complete blogroll. Now, that my class is over and I have a break from traveling around leading workshops, I'm ready to add some links. Other bloggers; Bora, Mike the Mad, PZ, Janet, DM, and Abel; use a nice technique called "blogroll amnesty" where…
Both Jon Swift and Skippy are spearheading a regular event, Blogroll Amnesty Day, in which we recognize and acknowledge the breadth and depth of blogtopia (yes, we all know who coined that term!). It's today! You are encouraged to scout out new blogs, get out of old ruts, and explore new or…
By way of Abel and DrugMonkey (among others), I see that today is Blogroll Amnesty Day. Jon Swift has the must-read post on the origins of the day and what it means now: The idea that links are the capital of the blogosphere seems so obvious that you would think an economist like Atrios of…

Thanks for reminding me about this Mike. I was meaning to bring this back over at my Blog too! So I did... It is a little early to celebrate "Blogroll Amnesty Day" but, somehow, at the beginning of a new year seems more appropriate than the end of January or beginning of February.

Start the new year off kicking Blogtopia up a notch! (y!sctp) BAM!