Like the Mighty River Jordan*...

the blogs keep rolling on. More Blogroll Amnesty**. If you link to me and you're not an asshole or a fucking moron, let me know and I'll return the favor (instructions below). For now, say hello to: Tangled Up in Blue Guy, Sorting Out Science, The force that through..., jobsanger, no fish, no nuts, The Barefoot Bum, miriam's ideas.

In the comments below, give me two lines, the first with the blog name, the second with the html code. For example:

Mike the Mad Biologist

*I've seen the Jordan River. It's not that mighty.

**Hell, I'm a librul--I say let all of us little bloggers into blogtopia (and yes, skippy invented that phrase).

More like this

A few months ago, I made a new page for a more complete blogroll. Now, that my class is over and I have a break from traveling around leading workshops, I'm ready to add some links. Other bloggers; Bora, Mike the Mad, PZ, Janet, DM, and Abel; use a nice technique called "blogroll amnesty" where…
Say hello to Jon Swift. Speaking of Jon Swift, the start of 2008 seems like a good time to have another Blogroll Amnesty Day. If you're not on my blogroll, and I'm on yours, leave me a link below and I'll add you (note: racists, creationists, and flat-out weirdos won't be accepted).…
My apologies to the Great Bard. Today is Blogroll Amnesty Day, this year co-hosted by skippy and Jon Swift. According to skippy, we're supposed to link to five smaller blogs. Below the fold, my five choices, and my mauling of Shakespeare in honor of Blogroll Amnesty Day: Rev. BigDumbChimp…
A year ago to the day, skippy and Jon Swift led an uprising of little blogs. As skippy notes: the inestimable mr. swift has a handful of other links to other blogs also commemorating this auspicious occasion. so, this weekend, take a moment to click thru to a smaller blog, and read a new…

Philosophers' Playground

As J.S. Mill said, "Tis better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied, better to be a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied, better to be a librul dissatisfied than an asshole or fucking moron satisfied, and if the fool, the pig, the asshole, or the fucking asshole disagree it's because they're fools, pigs, morons, or fucking assholes." I'm paraphrasing here...


Asshole? Possibly.. although I suppose that is a matter of perspective :)

Seriously, though, I really don't care if people agree with my views (OK, maybe a little bit) or not. If my rants inspire someone, somewhere, to step away from the herd and begin to think for themselves- then maybe- just maybe, my time has been well spent.

"not an asshole or a fucking moron" - that's high praise indeed. I may have to add that to my blog banner.

Thanks for the link -


The Crone Speaks

Archcrone added you to her roll a while ago, after a linky-goodness post to her. I may be behind on my posting, still getting in the swing of things after kidney problems, but the Archcrone also participates in the REAL blogroll amnesty -- got a link, she's happy to reciprocate