Where I Fall on the Electoral Compass

Inspired by ScienceBlogling Razib, I wanted to see where I fell on the Electoral Compass:


Not too surprising.

Where do fall out?

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I wound up smack in the middle of Mr. Obama. I was somewhat surprised thinking I'd wind up somewhere farther leftish. Ah, well. Could be worse. I could've wound up near Thompson, Huckabee, et al (shudder!).

I hit smack on Obama, too, Bryn. I didn't really like the questions all that well. If I had been able to answer them with "explanations" I would have been up and to the left, out of the scale.

Make that three on Obama. I agree with you Mike on the questions.
Another thing that I think this misses is how much the issues would influence your vote. I mean: I strongly disagreed with several statements, but there are only a few (such as creationism should be taught in public schools) that would be an absolute show stopper for me if a candidate advocated it in their campaign.

By scienceteacher… (not verified) on 17 Jan 2008 #permalink

I notice that Hillary is in the upper-left quadrant, so I already know this quiz is broken.

And is that Paul on the right-middle there? Really? Also, he's economically WAY further right than the compass indicates. I mean, hello! Libertarian!

This quiz is dumb, and I'm not taking it. Feh.

In other "political compass" quizzes, however, I've scored about where you are, Mike. Usually, Kucinich ends up right next door. ;)