Clinton Is in Real Trouble with the Democratic Base

I've been loathe to get into the horse race dynamics of the Democratic primary, largely bcause it's mostly pointless. But the North Carolina primary results are worth noting.

A major component of the Democratic base, African-Americans, went 91-6 for Obama in North Carolina. As Matt Yglesias notes, in the 2006 Virginia Senate election, black voters went 85-15 for James Webb (the Democrat). That means 15% of black voters actually voted for then-Senator George "Macacawitz" Allen, a man who decorated with a Confederate flag and a noose.

Clinton's done.


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Holy FSM. I just clicked on the link and read the tale of George Allen's attempt to defund Meals on Wheels (missed it the first time.) I don't know what's scarier -- that a U.S. Senator took that position, or that some idjit jumped into the thread to complain about the unhealthy effect that "welfare" like Meals On Wheels would have on the elderly.

At least I had the memory of this old Steve Martin monologue to lighten the mood:

I don't know if I looked a little mad, uh, during the show tonight. I'm a little angry, I guess. Uh, I'm just, uh... Boy. I don't know, I'm just mad at my mother. I don't know, she just, uh, she calls me up the other day. She wants to borrow ten dollars for some food! Can you believe that? I said, "Hey! I work for a living!" So I loan her the money. Yesterday, she calls me up and says she can't pay me back for a while. I said, "Hey! What is this?!" So I worked out a deal with her. I'm having her, uh, work on my transmission. And, uh, move my barbells up to the attic. So that's pretty good, huh?

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 07 May 2008 #permalink

You're saying that given a choice between two white men 15% of blacks will vote for the "wrong" one in your opinion. And given a choice between a black man and a white woman, 6% will vote for the woman.

You're drawing what conclusion here?

You've been loathe to get into the horse race dynamics of the Democratic primary, largely because when it comes to the dynamics of the Democratic party, well, how do I say this? How about, just stick to biology.

You're drawing what conclusion here?

At a guess, I'd say it's that Hillary got less votes from black voters than Senator George "Macacawitz" Allen, a man who decorated with a Confederate flag and a noose.

"African-Americans, went 91-6"
"black voters went 85-15"

Missing a few qualifiers there. Despite African-Americans largely being Democrats, I think there's likely to be a difference between *African-American Democratic primary voters* and *African-American general election voters*.

Posted by: tincture, How about this?

Black voters don't see much difference between two white candidates even if one hangs his Confederate Flag and noose in the garage for all the world to see. After all, the other white guy has his Confederate Flag and noose safely tucked away in the bedroom closet.