Gergen Says the Thing That Must Not Be Said About Obama and McCain

David Gergen this weekend described the Republican strategy towards Obama perfectly:

The best dog whistles are the ones most people don't hear. The reason McCain's ad works is because, at the root of it, there are a significant number of whites who see a successful, confident, intelligent black man. And they hate him for that, and that alone. He is everything they are not. But because he's black, they can latch onto that. As the old Southernism goes, "If you ain't better than a n----er, who is you better than."

I guess the Coalition of the Sane should be fortunate that the McCain camp wasn't quite subtle enough.

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I think I already said this over at Pandagon, but for fuck's sake, I'll be in my closet with a case of fucking Jameson. Someone come get me on November 5.

Not surprised, are we? The Southern Strategy worked, and it's still working. The GOP panders to race hatred, and look where it got them.

I for one am ashamed of my countrymen, most of them.