Palin and Alito: The No-Name Strategy

Just a very quick observation about McCain's VP choice Sarah Palin. She doesn't have much of a record which is the same strategy that the Bush Administration used when looking for Supreme Court Justices. If 'the less they know, the better' is actually an apt description of your candidate and her policies, then you need a new candidate with different policies.

Just saying.

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If 'the less they know, the better' is actually an apt description of your candidate...

sure fit Dan Quayle

By natural cynic (not verified) on 29 Aug 2008 #permalink

If 'the less they know, the better' is actually an apt description of your candidate and his policies, then you need a new candidate with different policies.

You mean like Barack Obama? I don't think it can be denied that one of the best features of Barack Obama is his limited record doesn't define a policy.

Palin is just another deranged sick-fuck wackaloon right-wing scumbag like all the rest of the Republican Party. I am so sick of those fucking douchewastrels, I just want to spend all day puking my motherfucking guts out.

DrugMonkey's right on this one, Samuel Alito had served as a judge on the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit for more than fifteen years. Roberts and Miers had no record.