McCain Picks Creationist for Running Mate (Why You Should Always Read ScienceBlogs First)

Two years ago, ScienceBlogling Afarensis told us about McCain's VP nominee Sarah Palin's creationist streak:

Palin said she thought there was value in discussing alternatives.

"It's OK to let kids know that there are theories out there," she said in the interview. "They gain information just by being in a discussion."

That was how she was brought up, she said. Her father was a public school science teacher.

"My dad did talk a lot about his theories of evolution," she said. "He would show us fossils and say, 'How old do you think these are?' "

Asked for her personal views on evolution, Palin said, "I believe we have a creator."

She would not say whether her belief also allowed her to accept the theory of evolution as fact.

"I'm not going to pretend I know how all this came to be," she said.

"His theories of evolution"? "They gain information just by being in a discussion?" Not if it's stupid, they don't. I don't know if this is weaseling to appease the Republican theopolitical conservative base, or if she's a loon. Either way, if McCain is elected, we can expect the War on Science (and polar bears) to continue.

This is the Alito-Roberts strategy: pick someone with virtually no track record so they can't get dinged. It's a crappy way to run the country, though.

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I don't know if this is weaseling to appease the Republican theopolitical conservative base, or if she's a loon.

It's safe to assume the latter.

By Bayesian Bouff… (not verified) on 30 Aug 2008 #permalink

Yup, loons tend to live far up north, and they make very cool, eerie calls at night.

Not to mention that apparently she doesn't even know what a Vice President does. No, seriously, she said as much. Out loud. In front of a camera.

Apparently, John McCain has only met her once, six months ago. Good to hear that he vetted his VP choice so closely.

Anyway, she's a true blue loon, and that's why McCain picked her. The dumbasses who make up the Republican base eat that pandering up.

[quote]"I'm not going to pretend I know how all this came to be," she said.[/quote]

Isn't accepting that a man in the sky created everything the same thing as pretending to know how all this came to be?