Did the Republican Party Convention Subsidize Police Brutality?

Ten million dollars buys you a lot of police misconduct:

An investigation is indeed necessary, but I am already pretty sure about what happened:
  1. In August, protesters at the 2004 RNC successfully won police brutality lawsuits against the New York City police department.
  2. So, a few days later, the Republican Party indemnified the St. Paul police for up to $10 million in the event that charges of police brutality would be brought against them.
  3. Then, at the convention, the police went out and illegally beat up $10 million worth of progressives, including progressive media. It was a free beating for them.

In short, the Republican Party paid for $10 million of thuggery against progressives. You know, like a garnish on their convention. How can a gathering of conservative authoritarians be complete without a good hippie beat down, anyway?

Basically, with no cause, police ran over and beat up some members of the progressive media. They did it because the money they will lose from civil suits over the matter has already been paid. So, of course the charges were dropped. There were no real charges. It was beating, paid for by the Republican Party, pure and simple.

This is police corruption, backed by a major political party. So much for the so-called party of law-and-order.

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I wonder if this could be used as a basis for Federal Civil Rights conspiracy charges against the RNC? Now that would be a political hot potato....

You missed the fine print:

Their law, their order. If you don't like it you can be next in line.