Wednesday Link Dump

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It's here! The second edition of the Diversity in Science Carnival! But it wouldn't be here today without the help of Dr. Free-ride and Dr. Isis. With all the time I have had to devote to my mother and her issues the past two weeks, there is no way I could have gotten the carnival up today…
Timothy Burke: Journalism, Civil Society and 21st Century Reportage: As the failure of many newspapers looms and public radio cuts its journalistic offerings, the complaint against new media by established journalists gets sharper and sharper. The key rallying cry is that new media can't provide…
Michael Faraday, grand unified theorist? (1851) « Skulls in the Stars "The common thread of many of these discoveries is their goal: demonstrating that all the physical forces of nature are but different manifestations of a single, âuniversalâ force. This idea was a surprisingly modern one for…
The following post has been slightly revised in response to commentary below and elsewhere. I thank all those who commented for the helpful critique. The question of diversity in science, and more specifically, success for women, is often discussed in relation to bench or lab oriented fields.…

Thanks for spreading this to your readers, Mike. There have to be more of these in other cities that are getting ignored. The Blogs already have a network in place to document them and the organizers are out there to help figure out what we can start doing to fix it at least a little bit. I just can't see wasting HuffPo's effort to document the Tent Cities and just end it there. They had a good idea but we can do better than that.