Well, the Good News Is That a Republican Accepts the Fact of Evolution...

Oops, there's been another GOP bigot eruption. This time, it's Michelle Obama who has been called an ape:

A state Republican activist has admitted to and apologized for calling a gorilla that escaped from the Riverbanks Zoo Friday an "ancestor" of First Lady Michelle Obama....

Longtime SCGOP activist and former state Senate candidate Rusty DePass responded with the comment, "I'm sure it's just one of Michelle's ancestors - probably harmless."

DePass told WIS News 10 he was talking about First Lady Michelle Obama....

DePass took his apology a bit further. He also said, "The comment was hers. Not mine," saying the first lady made statements in the media recently saying we are all descendents of apes.

But an Internet search for those comments turned up no news articles of the like.

Another ringing success for the Republican African-American voter outreach program.

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But was it a Jewish gorilla?

Von Brunn wants to know.

(is this really how the Rethugs are going for the 'big tent'?)

Michelle Obama is pretty ugly.

Seriously, though, Obama looks more like a chimp than Bush ever did.

Thanks. I got that from David Letterman after he made jokes about RAPING Sarah Palin's daughters.

When do I get my show in MSDNC?

gee, dave, the word "rape" never appeared in that lame excuse for a joke: lie much?

Neither did "black" appear when Imus called those Rutger's players, "nappy headed hos."

But Imus was fired and Letterman kept his job so far. Gee, I wonder why.

But Imus was fired and Letterman kept his job so far. Gee, I wonder why.

Perhaps because:
Imus had a track record of crappy comments
He aimed a racist comment at a particular group of women (no, he didn't say black: nappy headed hos was enough)

I still go to the error in your post: no mention of "rape" in letterman's spiel (i will agree it wasn't a joke, it was stupid). but don't let facts keep you from your faux outrage - palin and her husband certainly aren't - they're ginning up their own trying to garner all the political points they can.

Because what Imus said was far more offensive, and far less obvious a joke, than what Letterman said. The "liberal media is out to get conservatives" theory doesn't stand up to the slightest rational scrutiny of the evidence.

LOL. Spare me your liberal double standard.

Does anybody think if Letterman made similar jokes about the Obamababoon's daughters that he wouldn't have been fired ASAP?

David Letterman: "That Sasha Obama is slutty and the other one had sex with A-Rod"

I would give him 5 seconds before he is at Gitmo next to Khalid Sheik.

Lorne, had letterman used slutty about palins' daughters, you'd have a point. he didn't. your comparison doesn't hold up.

A 14-year old getting kocked up? "OK, Sasha Obama was knocked up by A-Rod."

Letterman would have been fired as Imus was, so please spare the faux outrage about what this actviist said.

Lorne, try some reading comprehension: was the 14-year old named? no. was rape used? no. had letterman used a name directly as you post, would he have been fired? i have no idea and neither do you.

i don't know whether you are simply stupid or intentionally dishonest.

Spare me Dean. In case you're legally ignorant (and it appears you're ignorant in other ways), having sex with a 14-year old is statutory RAPE.

In case of Imus, did he call them Black hos? No, but he was fired anyway. There is a double standard of Radical Left outrage when it comes to targets of jokes

lorne - he didn't reference the 14 year old, or haven't you noticed that? i realize you enjoy distorting facts for your political point of view, but it doesn't change the fact that that you are distorting them.

Distortion? He clearly meant Willow Palin who is 14-years old.

Only a Hard Left partisan like yourself could be blind to that.

Nice to see Obama's goons in full force with the politics of distraction.

With the Obama Depression worsening, Biden saying today that neither he nor Obama know how to fix the economy, Iran and North Korea getting nukes, Bin Laden still free - it's more important to go all ape-shit over some harmless comments.

After 8 years of Bush being likened to a chimp, it's nice to see the Obamas getting similar treatment.

He clearly meant Willow Palin who is 14-years old.

It was in fact clear to all non-mentally ill persons that the reference was to Bristol. You may wish to seek medication for your issues.

Nice to see Obama's goons in full force with the politics of distraction.

Yes, because people attempting to make sure the discussion stays on a factual basis are physically threatening to you.

And you wonder why you are condescended to...

"With the Obama Depression worsening, Biden saying today that neither he nor Obama know how to fix the economy".

That's not what he said. You're distorting his comments. And since when did the current economy suddenly become a depression-on your say so? Must a surprise to Wall Street. And the Bush administration bears no responsibilty for the recession, huh?

"Iran and North Korea getting nukes"

North Korea already has nukes, braniac.

"Bin Laden still free - it's more important to go all ape-shit over some harmless comments".

Bin Laden is still free because Bush decided he wasn't significant enough to go after. Bush had 8 years to get Bin Laden. Obama's been in office for what, less than 5 months?

@dean: Maybe it's a bit of each.
Perhaps the initial outrage is stupidity, then when given facts, they switch into intellectual dishonesty.
That's pretty much how most of the conservatives I know roll.

By JThompson (not verified) on 14 Jun 2009 #permalink

"That's pretty much how most of the conservatives I know roll."

I can't say that's true here (southwestern michigan) - at least, for those I know who are conservative. They view this issue as I do: Letterman was stupid, but nothing in the incident supports the assertions being made by the palins and others. Even my neighbor, who thought palin was one of the greatest things since forever, thinks she's being stupid about this. (Yes, I know a single isolated story is not worth much, but I found it interesting.)
I think we're just seeing the outer reaches of the right - the mirror images of folks on the left who made outrageous and unfounded claims about the previous president.

Sorry - I hit post rather than preview. One more question: I wonder what those who have been calling for Letterman's head would say about what should be done to Rusty DePass (the person on whom this particular entry originally concentrated)? Here is a case where the exact words are on record, directed at one particular person, WITH what seems to be a lie ("The comment was hers. Not mine" - at the time I'm writing this, it still is the case there has been nothing found that supports his assertion) as its initial defense. Other than dave, who piled on with that train of "thought", not one of the palin supporters has mentioned it.

@dean: Ah, maybe it's the difference in locations.
West-central Alabama here.
Where rational debate only goes on until someone pulls out a gun.

By JThompson (not verified) on 14 Jun 2009 #permalink

I hope you're exaggerating a little. :)

We do have our wackos here too: after all, we are the home of founders/owners/current heads of (SC)AMWAY, as well as the family of the guy who founded blackwater. those folks are as extreme as you will find them.

By @JThompson (not verified) on 14 Jun 2009 #permalink

I'm not sure what happened here - post #23 was by me, not JThompson.

well there is a rumor going around rhat evolutionists beleve were related to monkey / apes, so cant say i see the big deal here,cant have it both ways.but of course this is just a rumor-so ive heard

By dan smith (not verified) on 14 Jun 2009 #permalink

It appalls me that certain people on this blog followed "Dave"'s idiotic red herring about David Letterman's disgusting jokes. No matter what David Letterman said, racism is not ok.

Well, I have to admit, she DOES look like an ape.

Dave, Lorne, Rick - why are creotards like you who don't 'believe' in science on this blog anyway?

Is being a racist liar part of standing up for Jesus?

Never mind, of course it is.

I am so tired of those old frigging racists that claim to represent Americans. They and their followers are despicable and not worth more then my dog's poop

Some of your comments reflects the sorry state we are all in.
I am certain that most of the bloggers on this site at least went through high school.
And I am equally certain you all learnt a thing or two about biology. I don't know about you but when I look at the ape and its relatives there appears to be a lot of similarity with the animal kingdom even DePass bears a strong resemblance to a chimp.

Sarah Palin should concentrate on Alaska or get out of politics completely to concentrate on her children. In my opinion she has failed in this area and I don't understand why you GOP's are so dumb to that fact. The reality is that you all are no different from some parts of the world who are bent on seeing the world round/flat in order to have an out-dated opinion valid. Most of the facts have been researched and tested and yet with all the knowledge we all have at our disposal some still choose to be abusive.

Ultimately we are all here for a linited time, I think we can all agree to disagree on issues but when it resorts to abuse or bringing in innocent children for political football that is all so wrong - I blame Palin for dragging it on for her political gain and I blame Letterman for seeing it as a joke. Enough said I think we all have to be more responsible -this is what the President is trying to get out to you all

Lorne, try some reading comprehension: was the 14-year old named? no. was rape used? no. had letterman used a name directly as you post, would he have been fired? i have no idea and neither do you.

i don't know whether you are simply stupid or intentionally dishonest.