Comment Policy

If you show up and boast about how you would shoot people in the head, your addresses and other things get entered into the spam filter. It's my blog, that's how it goes down here.

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Update: Okay, screw Typekey, it's anything goes here. Anyone may comment, comments will be immediately published, and I will rely on the spam filter. Let's see how that works! Advantages: Still less work for me, less hassle for you. I can always delete spam that slips through. Also,…
A little blog housekeeping is in order here. Several days ago, the overlords at SEED Magazine installed a new spam filter, which, despite some fine-tuning over the last several days, unfortunately still seems a bit more indiscriminate than we'd like, sometimes gobbling up legitimate comments…
I welcome comments here, especially from people who disagree with me. There is one rule that I ask commenters to follow -- please do not make personal attacks on other commenters. Such comments tend to cause discussion to degenerate into a slanging match so I will usually delete or disemvowel…
Last year Steve McIntyre insinuated that Gavin Schmidt was dishonest after one of McIntyre's comments was held up in moderation: (link in quote is mine) Posting at realclimate is a little thing. I was once involved in trying to detect a business fraud many years ago. A friend told me that to look…

Seriously, you should consider notifying the Secret Service if any of those threats are directed at the president. I've sicced them on a couple of readers. Disagreement is bracing, death threats are WAY over the top.

By mediajackal (not verified) on 03 Sep 2009 #permalink