This Is the Post-Racial America We've Been Waiting For

Not exactly. Remember back when some idiot posted a video in an open contest comparing Bush to Hitler that was held by Never mind that the video was removed within thirty minutes, rightwing political operatives and their lapdogs in the traditional media haven't stopped talking about it. I wonder if this picture posted on the Republican National Committee's Facebook site--which has also been removed only after six days--will also be discussed endlessly for weeks (Warning: This is a really offensive picture, which is why it's below the fold. May not be work safe):

(from here; screen shot here)

But really, it's just a coinkydink that this happened, and I'm sure it, in no way, reflects poorly on the racial attitudes of the Republican Party. Not at all. I'm sure our media betters probably think it's not even worthy of discussion.

It only took the RNC six days to remove it after all.

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I prefer to think of Republicans as less evil and more stupid.

It makes my blood boil less when I hear shit like this from them.

By Katharine (not verified) on 27 Oct 2009 #permalink

Yes, and after they trash the Loving ruling they can start in on Bolling, and then on Brown, and then on Krematsu, and then on Plessy, and then on Dred Scott...

By Kate from Iowa (not verified) on 27 Oct 2009 #permalink

"I prefer to think of Republicans as less evil and more stupid."

This isn't necessarily an either/or distinction. It's more of a multiple choice, take your pick:

Republicans are...
a) Stupid
b) Evil
c) both

The longer I watch their antics, the more I'm inclined to go with C.


By Roadtripper (not verified) on 27 Oct 2009 #permalink

A simple rubric that has helped me understand the Republican mindset:

"Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice." -Anon

Aug. What monsters. Will the Democratic party say anything about this?

Actually, between this and the stats in that new expose of the fundies by Pat Blumenthal, the notion that mental illness is more prevalent in this country than previously thought is becoming increasingly more likely to be true.

In fact, a whole lot of them have publicly said they can't control themselves.

Can we add 'possibly schizophrenic' or 'possibly actually sociopathic, as in not just a meanie but actually has no conscience' to the list of Republican adjectives?

By Katharine (not verified) on 27 Oct 2009 #permalink

Kate from Iowa,
You are possibly in jest with that list of decisions but I believe the bigots would indeed like to restore that evil in this country. Insanity indeed. Family values indeed.

Evil AND stupid. Good combo. Every time I get pissed off at the Dems--and god knows that's often enough--I remember the utterly contemptible hyenas on the other side of the aisle, who spent 8 years misleading, misdirecting, and by extension letting the country rot as they filled their pockets and pretended nothing was wrong. You telling me that's not what happened? Then you're a moron.
