How the Washington Revolving Door Thrives: The Salary Edition

One of the major factors leading to political corruption is the revolving door between the private sector and political staffers. It's no accident that many political scandals, not to mention bad policy, can be traced back to former Congressional aides. There's a lot of money to be made lobbying your former boss and friends. One reason why public servants make this jump is poor salaries. There's no incentive to make a career in government service when the financial compensation is very small:


Daniel Schuman notes:

The people who are working on issues worth billions of dollars and overseeing all federal agencies earn less than entry level pay for an executive branch employee with a professional degree (or a master's degree with one year's experience).

With salaries like these, given the expertise needed, only saints and the corrupt would stick around. Sadly, saints are usually quite thin on the ground.

We get the government we pay for.

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Yet another result of the "starve the beast" commandment.

Don't ask me to shed crocodile tears for Rahm and company.

People all over the world work for far less and do far more for humankind.

No one made them go into politics, and it's fairly evident that they didn't go into public service for the public's service.

People who are motivated by graft and corruption will find it in whatever field they go into.

I shed a lot more tears over the plight of teachers and health care workers.


I will try to do an article on how superior college is and perhaps some resources were scholars can pursue their dreams and get superior college essay.