Thursday Links

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Utah has gay marriage. Say no more. It's officially over at the highest levels, folks. You can't spend decades legislating and ordering equality from the chambers of congress, statehouses, and the benches of the high courts before, eventually, it becomes part of our culture to assume that the…
I realize most people probably don't care very much about science funding, but I'll go out on a limb and assume that many readers here do care about science funding (I think many, in the public as a whole, don't even realize how science is paid for). The Republican platform, Pledge to America,…
Merry Thursday. Links for you. Science: But is it science? It's a microbial world: Worldwide census ups diversity estimates for marine microbes one-hundred-fold. Is this the end of migration? Climate change is affecting bird behaviour at a staggering rate. Some 20 billion have already changed…
In which we look at one of the great spoofs of all time, a clever twist on a viral physics video, one of the great cartoons of all time, the puzzling lack of relationship between violence and the NFL's popularity, the new approach of the US National soccer team, one of the greatest musicians of all…