Best Defense of Pseudonymity EVAH!

Last week, I defended pseudonymity. Well, the Epicurean Dealmaker has the best defense of pseudonymity EVAH!: the United States, schizophrenic home to both the largest number of elite universities in the world and the broadest-based strain of anti-intellectualism known to Western democracy, the aggressive debating style of lobbing witty insults at your opponent only plays well on reruns of Monty Python. If you doubt me, just look at the inarticulate clods we elect to public office. Most of these morons cannot even deliver a coherent speech, much less bandy about gerunds and subjunctive clauses in the midst of a heated argument. Most Americans would probably try to impeach them if they did. This is just not a country where you can use words like "egregious," "febrile," and "chimera" in public without running the risk of being lynched for general asshattery.

Why do you think this blog is pseudonymous?

Heh. Although I probably say fuck too much to qualify as "lobbing witty insults at your opponent"...

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Mike, if you'd didn't say fuck a lot, I'd be a less fervent reader, as it makes the science more accesible to me. As I'm at least half Apalachian, I may not be your dominant demographic - though judging by other peoples comments - I may. Best, Stephanie

By Stephanie (not verified) on 24 Feb 2010 #permalink

science more accesible to me. As I'm at least half Apalachian, I may not be your dominant demographic - though judging by other peoples comments - I may. Best, Stephanie