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A few days ago, I complained again about the relative lack of science books in the New York Times "Notable Books of 2008" list. Yesterday, one of the big stories was CNN axing its entire science unit, such as it was, which drew comments from lots of blogs (and more whose links I can't be bothered…
And out come the wingnuts. Here's the email I just received from someone named James Albright: Dear Ed, Noah's ark was discovered by Ron Wyatt, whose ministry is named Wyatt Archeological Research. The news media is only taking attention away from the real ark through your ministry. Please stop…
The similarities between the campaign against mitigating the consequences of climate change and the campaign against health insurance reform go far beyond the use of distortion and fiction. The parallels are everywhere. For example, those with vested (monied) interests in the status quo are…
A reader sent along an an article from the Lancaster Sunday News, announcing a lecture on 17 May by John Morris, an infamously silly Young Earth Creationist. It's a little peculiar; it's written by Helen Colwell Adams, bylined as a staff writer for the paper, but it is completely credulous — she…

happy st joseph's day! :p

About being a global warming skeptic:

I am one. I do not know whether the current climate trend poses a clear and present danger. But I do know that we are already in uncharted waters, and that prudence dictates that we reduce greenhouse emissions as much as we can as soon as we can. There is a difference between being skeptical and being stupid.