Managed to miss all of the rain today. I'll celebrate with some links. Science:
Pessimistic Pooches? Depressed Doggies? Not So Fast!
How Fractals Can Explain What's Wrong with Wall Street
Völkerwanderung back with a vengeance
Public Education: Stop the Attacks and Fund Quality Education for All
'Suburban Nation': 10 Things To Hate About Suburban Sprawl (PHOTOS)
How Religion Is Killing Our Most Vulnerable Youth
The Dying Art of Political Explanation
Politicians, Watch Your Grammar
Minimal Wages for All (the argument at the end is key)
How did the American Left lose the working classes?- Part one
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Rumor has it that the rain is supposed to stop tomorrow. Let's celebrate with some links. Science:
Your disease, your fault
How Science Museums Are Promoting Civil Religion-Science Dialogue (I really like the way the Smithsonian's human origins exhibit dealt with religion too)
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by Philip H.
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Thank you so much for the link.
I am currently in the process of becoming an UnChristian (it's harder than you think it is!) and Bishop Robinson's piece is just what I needed to read today, so thanks.
I still miss the social events, but damn, what a relief it is not to have to listen to that shit any more.