The Definition of Insanity Is...

...I bet you thought I was going to write something like, "....doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Nope. Regarding the federal worker pay freezes, David Weigel notes:

The letter from OFA director Mitch Stewart points out -- accurately -- that Obama froze White House staff salaries on his first day in office. And as we all remember, that move prevented the subsequent rise of an anti-spending conservative movement that would imperil Obama's agenda and win the 2010 elections.

Although I do think Larry Summers should have to give back some of his salary....


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What's most important to the country is that the party you like stays in office.

But it shouldn't matter much. The administration has kept inflation to near 0%. So a cost of living increase isn't needed.

The administration has kept inflation to near 0%. So a cost of living increase isn't needed.

Didn't the federal worker's health premiums just go up 7%?

By Burnham Wood (not verified) on 01 Dec 2010 #permalink

Yes, federal worker's health premiums when up an average of 7%. So we are all getting an effective pay cut. Plus, most of us are located in Washington, which keeps posting gains in housing prices and increasing rents.

By katydid13 (not verified) on 04 Dec 2010 #permalink