More from the Highly Successful Republican Latino Outreach Program

Well, technically speaking, it's Fox News, but, really, what's the difference? Fox News has a website, Fox News Latino, that ran with this headline:

Penélope Cruz and Javier Bardem Are Having an Anchor Baby.

It's like a nervous tic or something. They just can't help themselves.

And remember, as driftglass likes to say, no nation can endure, permanently half Fox News and half free.

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It's times like this I stop giving a shit because I don't have the energy to anymore.

Next time some charity person approaches me, especially some annoying-ass religious charity who's on the whole other side of the argument and wants to drive us back to the Dark Ages, I'll probably say something like 'Whose salary would I be paying or which child-mutilating, gay-beating, conservative back-ass-wards group of folks would I be supporting with this poorly-solicited donation, whether it's here or overseas?'

By Katharine (not verified) on 16 Dec 2010 #permalink

I stop giving a shit about most other people, I mean.

By Katharine (not verified) on 16 Dec 2010 #permalink

The amazing thing is, there are people at Fox who obviously thought that headline would attract Latino readers.

By greatbear (not verified) on 16 Dec 2010 #permalink