Clenbuterol (Lean pork and no asthma!)

Clenbuterol is a phenethylamine, like adrenaline, tyramine, ecstasy, sudafed, wellbutrin, and methamphetamine. Don't let anyone ever tell you all these drugs are the same again.


Clenbuterol is a potent beta-adrenergic agonist with a long half-life. It's very long-lived and has found some use as an asthma medication. Like many other drugs in the class, it has some efficacy in weight loss - clen appears to be pretty good. Bodybuilders often use it illicitly; more recently, it's gotten a little attention outside the community. Like all beta-adrenergic agonists, it can increase blood pressure and body temperature and is hence not without risk.

An ubiquitous yet still egregious error in the popular press is to call any dopant athletes use a "steroid." This is just negligent. See, for example, this Agence France-Presse article in which Chinese pigs were contaminated with it, making people who ate the pork sick. Clen is banned as a feed additive.


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The police once found clenbuterol in the house of Belgian cyclist Frank Vandenbroucke. He said to the police: 'Ohh, but that's for my dog.' The steroids and EPO he had at home were for his dog as well.

Chinese gluten sickens and kills thousands of US pets and possibly (yeah, possibly) contaminates human food supplies. Chinese lead-based paint spurs recall of 10.5 million Mattel toys. Chinese everything is contaminated with everything - and not in a good way.

First, are Chinese farmers synthesizing clen themselves or are they buying it in bulk from State pharma manufacturing facilties? Second, let us not condemn multi-$billion/year US Federal regulation for a few minor failures (90+% incompetence dripping cumshaw like Niagra Falls drips water). When buying and selling are regulated, the first things to be bought and sold are the regulators. Whip Inflation Now!

This stuff's rumored to be a popular diet drug in Hollywood too -- supposedly a lot of coked-out, anorexic-looking starlets are taking either this or Adderall.

Can clenbuterol show up on a drug test as amphetamine?

By ruthlezz_1 (not verified) on 06 Sep 2007 #permalink