This IS Rock-It Science: Scientists to rock out March 3, NYC

The Amygdaloids at the 92d Y, 4/3/08. Music starts at about 3m. LeDoux's the guitarist who is NOT singing. (Maybe it scares him?)

A few months back I gave a heads-up that NYU neuroscientist Joe LeDoux and his band, t the Amygdaloids, were playing in NYC. Well, the virus has spread! At Rock-It Science, March 3 in NYC, LeDoux and his band, the Amygdaloids (LeDoux pretty much owns the amygdala via his work on fear mechanisms) are to be joined on March 3 in NYC by other musical scientists-would-be-rock-stars, science bands, and science writers such as Pardis Sabetti (Harvard), David Soldier (Columbia), Dan Levitin (McGill), and NY Times environmental/science writer Andrew Revkin, who apparently somehow snuck in disguised as a scientist. (I've heard Revkin play guitar and sing, though, and know he won't have to fake that.)

Go figure: They're being joined by musicians such as Rufus Wainwright, Lenny Kaye (guitarists, Patti Smith Band), Dee Snider (Twisted Sister), The Kennedys, Steve Wynn, Gary Lucas, Peter Holsapple, and more.

It's Rock-It Scinece- a festival featuring scientists who play music and guests artists.
Tuesday March 3, Highline Ballroom, NYC, doors open 6pm.

I REALLY WISH I could get down for this. If you're in or near NYC, get there and git down.

I feel confident LeDoux will tell some fear mechanism jokes. LeDoux is a most amiable man and an incredibly accomplished scientist whom I profiled a while back.

What will they think of next?

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