The Enemies of Reason, Part 2

In his Channel 4 documentary The Enemies of Reason, Richard Dawkins attacks what he rightly regards as an epidemic of irrational thinking, or, as he puts it, humanity's "retreat into the fog of the superstitious past."

He notes, for example, that 25% of the British population believe in astrology, and that more column inches in British newspapers are devoted horoscopes than to science.

In a manner which I found at times to be highly amusing, Dawkins debunks astrologists, psychics, tarot card readers, and purveyors of alternative therapies.

Watch part 2 of The Enemies of Reason below.


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Dawkins kicks ass .... with class.

The video doesn't seem to be working, Mo.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 28 Aug 2007 #permalink

It seems to have been removed from Google Video. I've put part 2 up instead. Hopefully that won't be removed so quickly.