
Paraskavedekatriaphobia is an irrational fear of Friday 13th; it is a form of triskaidekaphobia (a fear of the number 13 in general).


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is there a "irrational fear of even thinking about swiming along large sea creatures"?

I'm not that afraid about whales or sharks per se, I can watch pictures or videos as long they're taken from distance... the other day I stumbled on the web upon a "life sized" whale flash animation that started with the eye of it, and barely remembering it sends a shiver through my spine...

Also, I love your blog. Greetings :-)

Well, since I was born on Friday 13th, Ive always felt like it was a lucky day for me and this Friday the 13th proved it - my beautiful granddaughter was born on it!

By carolyn13 (not verified) on 14 Jun 2008 #permalink