Check out The Synapse

Don't forget to check out The Synapse, a neuroscience blog carnival. The latest edition is up!

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Earlier this month, ScienceBloggers Jake Young of Pure Pedantry and Shelley Batts of Retrospectacle got to talking about how, given how many neuro-philes now blog at Sb, it could be fun to start a homegrown neuroscience blog carnival. Jake picked up the ball and ran, organizing most of Sb's other…
The call for the next Scientiae carnival is out. The next edition will be ably hosted New Years day at by Jokerine. She'll need your posts by December 31st and is open to lots of ideas: "the last year in years resoltuions....(woman in science) party…
The Synapse is a new neuroscience carnival. The first edition will appear on Pure Pedantry on June 25th, and the second two weeks later here on A Blog Around The Clock. Anything involving the brain, nervous system, behavior and cognition is fair game for this carnival, from brand new research to…
The first edition of The Synapse is up over at Pure Pedantry. Jake Young has spearheaded the formation of this brand-new carnival, assembling a worthy collection of neuroscience posts. Be sure to check it out. The next edition will be on July 9 at A Blog Around the Clock, so if you missed this one…