Not Exactly Rocket Science - the BOOK!!!!

Folks, I have big news...

i-ab62fdc9fa70190f6c832e9452949ec7-NERSBOOK.jpgI've just published a book based on this little blog. Some of you may remember me doing a quick poll about this a while back. Well since then, I've collected about 80 or so of my favourite posts from the last year and converted them from pixels to paper.

The book is now available through online publisher Lulu and you can order one for the tiny sum of £9.99 by clicking on these magic blue words.

It covers a wide range of biological areas - Mexican-waving bees, snow-making bacteria, viruses of viruses, the psychology of voting, the neuroscience of jazz, binge-drinkins shrews, the evolution of language, super-sharks, climate-changing beetles and more.

So... if you fancy it, please buy a copy, give some to your friends, tell other people about it, or even post about it on your own blogs. I'd appreciate any support you care to give.

Partly, that will make me happy in these economically troubled times (cue tiny violin), but more seriously, I started Not Exactly Rocket Science as a way of reaching out to people with no specialist knowledge and only a passing interest in science. The book is meant to help draw in people who don't really read blogs so if you have any friends who are interested in science, why not tell them about it or buy them a copy in time for Christmas?

I'm really proud of it and the fact that it's sitting on my bookshelf, all tangible and shiny. If everything goes according to plan, it should be available via Amazon and other online booksellers within a month or so although I recommend buying through Lulu because Amazon will probably charge you more and give me less.

And if you wanted more incentive, here's what esteemed blogger and science writer Carl Zimmer had to say about it:

"Few blogs make a smooth transition from computer to paper. Not Exactly Rocket Science is one of them. Ed Yong writes elegantly yet engagingly about all manner of biology, from yawning dogs to viruses of viruses. Turn off the laptop for a while, and crack open this book. You will be pleased you did."


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Cool man! congrats!
Just ordered my copy now..

did that all happen really quickly or has time just flown by at ludicrous speed since you posted the poll?

One less gift I have to find for a sciencelover I know (who is next to impossible to find gifts for!)

Thanks everyone! And Jon, yeah it's been pretty quick, hasn't it? I did say I'd try to get it out for early November though. Obviously, everything was already written, but the fiddly things took much longer than expected. Like proofreading, designing the cover, typesetting, creating the index etc. Fun though, and definitely worth it!

Congratulations, Ed!

We really do need some blog-books already. We'd to expect impact. Going to purchase my copy.


Wow, the cover for that book looks amazing. To me atleast. I really like it for some reason, simple, and colourful.

congrats! will recommend to many in hopes of maybe receiving one for xmas.. :D

By no.hunting (not verified) on 14 Nov 2008 #permalink

Hi, I would love to order your book having had much pleasure from your blog, and though I know you will think me old fashioned, I do object to having 'Lulu' keep the details of my credit card, including the CVC (no choice for this). Is there a low-tech way to order the book from you? Thanks

Hmm... no, I understand. I'm happy to receive a cheque and send you a copy myself if you're happy to pay for the postage.

So Jo-Anne, and anyone who feels uncomfortable with using Lulu, send me your address, I'll go to the post office and work out how much postage is going to cost and tell you what the total is. Send me a cheque and I'll send you a book. I'll even sign it :-)