And by roar, I mean babble for a straight hour. A couple of weeks ago, I did a Bloggingheads chat with fellow Scienceblogger, Abbie Smith (she of ERV fame). See video below to hear us chat about science communication, journalism, HIV research, being bloggers and, in a fantastic non-sequitur that comes out of nowhere, vampires.
A few points
- This was fun! Although a bit weird, given that I could hear Abbie but not actually see her. Instead I could see my own face on the laptop screen, and it was a tad disturbing hearing the voice of an American woman seemingly coming out of my mouth.
- I love the slightly awkward start. I think Abbie said it best after we cut the video feed by saying "Yeah, let's make two introverted people talk solidly for an hour."
- Look at the forum posts - at least one person thinks we wasted an hour of their life. To which I can only say: MUHAHAHAHAHAHA.
- At some point in the video, I ask for viewers to make LOL versions of us. Here's the first awesome entry. Feel free to create more.
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I actually loled at the LOLEd.
*high-fives bjkeefe*
Back atcha.
Glad y'all liked it.
P.S. Missed "LOLEd" at first glance.
Way clever.
Saw your performance on and decided to check out your blog. It is terrific. Keep up the good work!
Ed, I discovered your blog several weeks ago, and it's become one of my favorites. It's nice to hear the voice behind the blog. Great job! :D
Ed, you were pretty good! Have you thought about radio? :)
Great job!
Not Exactly Rocket Science Podcast?
Audio version of your blog? You've got the voice for it. Something to think about!