A brief hiatus


I'm taking a bit of a breather from blogging for a week. My wife and I are celebrating our second-year anniversary and I'm lavishing her with attention for a week. It's also a busy time at my day job, and it's a slow news week - a fortuitous confluence of events which mean that I get to put my feet up for a bit.

I'll be back with fresh material probably on Sunday. Until then, I'll be posting up some oldies (but goodies) from the Wordpress site.


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Happy anniversary, champ :)

Happy anniversary! Have a great time!

Happy anniversary, Ed! Sorry I'm a little late, but I hope you enjoy your week off!

Happy second anniversary!

You deserve a well earned rest!

It amazes me how much work you actually must put in to your blog alongside family life and work!

Wow, the perfect husband too. Ed is there anything you're not good at?!

Enjoy the break and the anniversary.

Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary!