I have news...

I'm actually a man!

Well, it's news to me anyhow.

I'm informed of this by GenderAnalyzer.com. It's a BETA test of an AI software that tries to determine what gender a page's author is. Here's what they say about themselves:

"We created Genderanalyzer out of curiosity and fun. It uses Artificial Intelligence to determine if a homepage is written by a man or woman. Behind the scene, a text classifier hosted over at uClassify.com has been trained on blogs written by men and women. In our lab it seems to works pretty well, we want to see how it performs on the web! We hope you like it! "

And here's what they say about me:

"We think http://observationsofanerd.blogspot.com is written by a man (74%)."

Thanks, guys!

Hat Tip to Allie for showing me the site. She's a wonderful blogger who I owe everything to, especially this post. She's a man, too, by the way.


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