PETA are a bunch of assholes.

i-134d4d8bba805ef07d9a50d7f8acbb42-peta_protest1.jpgAs I'm sure many of you know, Colorado has been completely wrecked with snow - stranding thousands and thousands of cattle out in the fields leaving them to starve or wander off. One radio station, in an effort to help, called the most famous group for 'helping' animals in danger - PETA. Instead of PETA offering their assistance they came off as just a bunch of pricks instead. See below for some more details - or read the original article here.

As many as 340,000 cows and steers have been left stranded by southeastern Colorado's most recent snowstorm, and National Guard units are helping ranchers in a frantic bid to save the freezing animals. Faced with 15-foot snowdrifts, rescuers are airlifting bales of hay and hoping for the best. But as Coloradans are learning, the wealthy People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) isn't about to lift a finger. Not forthose animals -- the ones destined to be flame-broiled, grilled, or roasted. Appearing on Denver radio station KRFX yesterday morning, Colorado Governor Bill Owens spoke for all of us. PETA, he declared, are "a bunch of losers" and "frauds".

Ohh... and here's one of my favorite PETA reactions:

Peterson added that wild animals caught in the blizzard's wake -- the same animals PETA routinely criticizes hunters for bagging -- also weren't worth spending PETA's money to save. "It's an act of God," she said. "There's really nothing to be done"

You know... I wouldn't expect PETA to help out in this situation since I'm sure they're not setup for this kind of operation (that..and they are really focused on freeing research animals and throwing paint on rich ladies outside the opera) - but come on! Even from a completely public relations standpoint this kind of attitude just hurts their cause. Couldn't they just not be so obnoxious about it? but then again...that's what they're known for in the first place (ugh...fundamentalists).
Here's a really angry anti-PETA site for some more reading. And of course here's the wikipedia article to balance it all out.

Here's the Penn and Teller anti-PETA video thanks to larry:

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The only thing that irritates me about this is that I have to agree with the Center for Consumer Freedom, a pathetic libertarian front group.

I hate PETA, but a large part of what this front group does is prevent responsible corporate behavior in protection of safety of the food chain (just follow the pro-trans fat links). Typical crap, corporations can do no wrong libertarianism.

Um, are we surprised? Isn't this the same group that was found last year to be "adopting" animals from shelters and then euthanising them and putting their carcasses in dumpsters. In their mind, it was "much more dignified" for the animals.

I also seem to recall reading an interview with their leader where she stated that on her death she wanted to be roasted over a pit, so she could feel what it was like to be barbecued. I'm all for testing that theory out now, if she'd like...

Me, I'm a proud member of PETA: The People for the Eating of Tasty Animals. :)

I have mixed feelings about PETA. On the one hand, they do do a lot of good for animals and blowing the lid off abuse scandals etc. On the other, I despite their tactics (borderline terrorism some of it, although seems to have gotten a lot more tame lately) and their stances on labs, etc. I don't think they are as noble as they make out, and some of the statements that come outta their mouths are just plain silly. However, other than perhaps the Humane Society or the Sierra Club -maybe-, who else pays attention to what PETA pays attention to? There may be a very large signal-to-noise ratio in what they spout off on, but its better than most other watchdog groups do. And, they have clout, so companies etc sit up and take notice when they bitch.

The decision not to help the cows may be an ideological one: would it be considered against PETA's standard to "save" cows that would only be slaughtered for meat and provide profit to companies they think are immoral? Perhaps their take, however twisted around, is that the cows are better off freezing to death rather than become hamburger meat and padding for a meat-packer's bottom line.

The average PETA member is just an animal lover - they don't know that PETA at its roots is run by unhinged fanatics. I worked for a company that was targeted (mistakenly) by PETA and because of my inside view I was able to see how dishonest and unethical that organization is.

PETA cares nothing for the animals (although individual members may) - their goal is the elimination of all human animal interactions (pets, food, research, whatever else). As posted, PETA took thousands of pets from shelters and killed them. They have backed and supported the terrorists who assault research facilities and the researchers themselves (including the group that stole the dead woman's body in England a few years ago). They are despicable people, and even if they do some good, I will never support them or their extremist agenda. Brian O'Conner, at the now-defunct "Animal Crackers" ( has a lot on these nutjobs.

As mentioned by Badger above, there certainly exists a huge disconnect between what the members (and payers) of PETA want and what the people who run PETA want. Most PETA members think their check is going to help provide food to a hungry animal or help fund a shelter or to fund abuse investigations (there's been some useful ones, labs notwithstanding). The advert side of PETA is very, very good at exploiting our soft side. Check out their site, you'll see a lot of big puppy-dog eyes and animals in pain or abusive situations. Who *wouldn't* want to help?

PETA's vegetarian and anti-fur stance, well that makes sense. But the upper eschelons of PETA's directorate does a damn good job of burying the 'we don't think animals should be pets' and 'absolutely no hunting, even for popuation control' and 'no animal testing, ever, no matter what the costs to people's health.' Thats because most donors are animals lovers and pet-owners (animal companion, whatever) who favor reasonable testing and humane population control. So, in comes the money from soft-hearted animal lovers who think that their $20 will prevent Bruno the pit bull from being in dog fights anymore. Which, it might.

Those same donors would also want PETA to rescue the cows in question, because THEIR goal is the direct prevention of animal suffering while PETA's goal is the prevention of all policies which they see as contributing to animal suffering. Not helping the cows makes no sense if #1 on your goal, but it is rational (but cruel) if #2 if your goal.

I don't mind saying that at one time, I contributed to PETA. No more, for as I said above, I despise their tactics, their manipulative ad campaigns, and this disconnect that exists beteen donors and directors.

PETA sucks. Period. I also remember watching ignorant Ingrid on a news channel talking about how she wanted to be barbecued when she died...what a nutcase. If people want to follow lead after making THAT statement, we're all in trouble!

I have 12 cats and am a licensed veterinary technician. I had to put animals to sleep all the time, and I HATED it. Most of the time, though, they were old and very, very sick, so it was a good thing, but sounds like Ingrid actually enjoys the process of killing healthy animals and brags about killing "dozens a day". She's a crazy old bat who needs to be eradicated in the back of a van.

The top brass at PETA are certainly a bunch of whackos. Fascinating video, but in the interests of full disclosure, it should be pointed out that the "Center For Consumer Freedom", whose spokesman, David Marcoso(sp?), is so movingly indignant about PETA's "Animal Holocaust" campaign, is funded by the fast food, tobacco, and meat industries. You don't have to be a violent vegan animal-rights nut to be wary of these industries' motivations in attacking animal rights groups. In general, whenever watching a documentary, it is always instructive to write down the names of any groups whose spokespeople are featured, and find out what it is they are really pushing. Works for letters to the editor, too!

I feel outraged that Peta is allowed to make presentations at local High Schools, making absurd claims about animal testing, amoungst other topics! What the hell are the educators thinking!

PETA is no different than the anti abortionist group. they are more or less civilian terrorists. They are hypocrites. They are violent and will stop at nothing not to help animals but to spread their feces every where they go. All they want is to piss people off. They should be shut down. Its no different than a cult. Same with the global warming idiots. People are retared. They need to calm the F down and enjoy what short and fragile life they have. Those people will die one day like us all and no one will remember or care they were ever here. so why waste your time being a Asshole?

OMG what shame people with this kind of actitude, i support PETA and animal rights but you can't just invade someone elses liberty i hate this! the only thing that strikes me is animals for fur but i would not go like that on streets there are ways to do that! civilized manners.

I think PETA has some good stands and others they should just back off on. Specially when it comes to the rodeos and horses most of them don't seem to know what they talk about in my opinion.

See, I'm a member of PETA and I signed up because I support the fact that they publicize animal cruelty very effectively - their means of doing so, I do not agree with. I think it's people like those who run PETA (extremists) and those who make articles like this (claiming everyone in PETA and every activist in the world is a d-bag) are both harming way, WAY more than helping.

Maybe you should join a different organization then.... Not a bunch of extremest assholes

Those PETA wackos with those stupid horns on their heads only prove what a freaked out organization PETA is their totaly dedicated to being stark raving stupid becuase PETA was founded by idiots


By Spurwing Plover (not verified) on 17 Feb 2011 #permalink

dhe they you support a bunch of animal killers and animals dont have rightss just need protection from mindless zombies like PETA

Those PETA wackos with those stupid horns on their heads only prove what a freaked out organization PETA is their totaly dedicated to being stark raving stupid becuase PETA was founded by idiots

PETA's ve vejeteryan anti-kürk duruÅ, iyi ki bu mantıklı. Ama PETA's müdürlüÄünün üst eschelons ve 'kesinlikle avcılık için bile popuation kontrolü' ve 'hayır hayvan deneyleri, hiç, ne olursa olsun' biz hayvanlar Evcil gerektiÄini düÅünmüyorum 'gömme bir lanet iyi bir iÅ yaptıÄını maliyeti insan saÄlıÄı için. ' Thats en donörler çünkü hayvan severler ve (ne olursa olsun hayvan yoldaÅı) makul test ve insancıl nüfus kontrolü lehine pet-sahipleridir. Ãyleyse, artık köpek kavgalarına olmaktan Bruno pit bull 20 $ önleyecektir onların düÅünüyorum yumuÅak kalpli hayvanseverler arasında para geliyor. , Bu da olabilir.

I Support People.Eating.Taistie.Anamals

By Bobby Ray coates (not verified) on 29 Apr 2011 #permalink

Those PETA wackos with those stupid horns on their heads only prove what a freaked out organization PETA is their totaly dedicated to being stark raving stupid becuase PETA was founded by idiots