How to bend a spoon with your mind

i-0b07e545e119b6ad20058bb433f09830-spoonbend5.jpgI've always wondered how to bend spoons with my mind (ok I's never even occurred to me...but whatever). Here are step by step directions on how to accomplish this great feat of mind:

1. Go in your drawer and pick out 10 or so spoons. And lay them out on the table. Use your feeling and let them tell you which spoon will bend. (I know it sounds funny but this is what I did the first time).
2. When you feel you have the right spoon and mind you pick one that is fairly thin to start out with.
3. Hold the spoon vertical and look at it and ask it to bend. Or say you will bend for me. Really believe it.
4. Start your meditation. Breathe in and breathe out. Breathe in energy from the universe and imagine it as a golden ball above your head.
5. Breathe out negative feelings and put the recycled air into your solar plexus. (The energy)
6. Keep doing this for about 15 breaths while massaging the spoon just below the bowl of it.
7. Make your self lightheaded while really concentrating on your breathing and producing energy and thinking the spoon will bend..
8. Then at the point of when you feel you're ready with all thoughts clear except the spoon get ready
9. Look at the spoon for about 2 seconds and think you will bend for me, while still breathing, breathe faster and hype yourself up..
10. Look out the window or at something for about 1 second and start to bend the spoon, and say very loud BEND! BEND! BEND! (really get into it) you will notice that the spoon becomes like rubber.
11. Your spoon will feel like rubber and it will bend for you.
12. After you have bent the spoon around two or three times, lay it down and wait about 1 min. the spoon will harden again.

But wait! Perhaps you don't have the mind power and it didn't work when you tried the step by step directions.

Here's the video PROOF!

Hahah.....I hope you are convinced. I know I am ;)

Here's the silly site with more information on bending spoons and paranormal abilities or whatever it's called.


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I think you missed a step in your list. I couldn't get this to work until I put on a facial expression somewhere between spiritual ecstasy and constipation.

By slightlyfleury (not verified) on 14 Mar 2007 #permalink

hmpf... i guess that's why it didn't work for me then.

woo?!?!??! no way! this is soooo real!

hahaha... ok perhaps not but entertaining anyway.

Stainless steel, right...

More like Wood's Metal.

Why aren't any of these spoon-benders pushing for the big crowds by using, you know, metal crowbars or poles or giant I-beams instead of utensils about as thing as paper?

Oh, right, because they can't bend those. Heh!

Interesting video. I thought spoonbenders just held the spoon until it sort of flopped over under the sheer weight of charismatic persuasion.

I'd like to see him repeat the trick with a Ginzu knife, or better yet a Henkels.

Seems to me that if there were anything to neutralizing the physical properties of steel with one's mind, the defense department would surely have had a look into it, no?

Paging Halliburton--you're missing a terrific contract oppo!

I would actually like to see a guide on how to NOT bend spoons.
Mine bend all the time (especially when I'm scooping ice cream) and I'd like tips on how to keep them in shape!

i dont have a video to prove my spoon beending but i watched this video and i did it i can't belive it i bent it two times on the neck of the fork.i knew it was possable but untill i seen your video i knew it was possable.and i have a other ability i can feel spirits and i have hurd them talking to me.

Everything is possable if you put your mind to it!