Hey, Thanks! PsyBlog Reviews Omni Brain

i-f95080e26d8d5fba5b090688a8bb5ce8-freud.gifHere's what PsyBlog has to say about Omni Brain:

Best humorous (but still scientific) psychology blog
The danger with mixing science and humour is slipping into the 'geek trap' where clever people try to be too clever. Omni Brain easily avoids this. Funky finger pictures on this post about sexual orientation and finger length.

Just to let you guys know... the only way we avoid being too clever is by not actually being very clever ;) haha...
Thanks for the props!

Check out the rest of their psychology blog reviews (which are great!) here.

Oh, and the beanie baby Freud doesn't have anything to do with anything. We just think every post should have an entertaining picture ;)

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