Science at the pub

This is a wonderful idea!

Swizzle sticks and carbon nanotubes don't usually share the same room, but they're both on the menu for Eugene's first Science Pub.

Part of an international phenomenon that's been going on almost 10 years, Science Pub brings top researchers out of their labs and into bars and coffee shops to give people a street-level look at cutting-edge research. It makes its Eugene debut at 7 tonight at downtown night spot Luna with a talk by University of Oregon chemistry professor and nanoscience researcher Jim Hutchison.

The idea is that the big ideas in science are a little easier to digest with a pint or a martini to wash them down. The big idea Hutchison will bring to the bar is nanotechnology, which at least sounds as if it might go well with a microbrew.

Read the rest of the story here.


HT: Enrique Gili


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