Watch Autopsies online

i-a5c91684c460a7d52321b2146cd7a973-alienautopsy.jpgChannel 4 in Britain has created a series documenting what goes on in Autopsies, but even more exciting is that they've made them available online for your viewing...pleasure?

I'm a pretty squeamish guy, which is one of the (many) reasons I didn't go to medical school. So if you're particularly grossed out by dead, cut open people then you should perhaps not watch these graphic videos. I'm about to force myself to check out the videos though! Wish me luck ;)

Here's a short description from the show webpage:

These clips contain scenes of a graphic nature demonstrating disections of the human body. All bodies dissected were formally dedicated to the Institute for Plastination, Germany and the donors consented to their remains being used for educational purposes.

And here's the videos!

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...oooo ..freaky !!!!!!!
hahahaha i saw one under my bed yesterday lmao ....not ..
al prolly wet mii pants cuz all be 2 scared hehehe

you should have voiods