
Profile picture for user oracknows
David Gorski

Orac is the nom de blog of a humble surgeon/scientist who has an ego just big enough to delude himself that someone, somewhere might actually give a rodent's posterior about his copious verbal meanderings, but just barely small enough to admit to himself that few probably will. That surgeon is otherwise known as David Gorski. That Orac has chosen his nom de blog based on a rather cranky and arrogant computer shaped like a clear box of blinking lights that he originally encountered when he became a fan of a 30 year old British SF television show whose special effects were renowned for their BBC/Doctor Who-style low budget look, but whose stories nonetheless resulted in some of the best, most innovative science fiction ever televised, should tell you nearly all that you need to know about Orac. (That, and the length of the preceding sentence.)

DISCLAIMER: The various written meanderings here are the opinions of Orac and Orac alone, written on his own time. They should never be construed as representing the opinions of any other person or entity, especially Orac's cancer center, department of surgery, medical school, or university. Also note that Orac is nonpartisan; he is more than willing to criticize the statements of anyone, regardless of of political leanings, if that anyone advocates pseudoscience or quackery. Finally, medical commentary is not to be construed in any way as medical advice.

To contact Orac: oracknows@gmail.com

Posts by this author

January 16, 2011
Oh, geez. Will the media never learn? Yep, it looks as though Andrew Wakefield will be on Good Morning America tomorrow. True, it is a holiday in the U.S., but that just might mean that viewership will be higher because more people will be at home. I, of course, will be at work; so I probably…
January 14, 2011
It's now been over a week since the first installment of Brian Deer's expose in the BMJ revealing the depths of Andrew Wakefield's fraudulent research. Over that week and a half or so, I've wondered just how someone like Wakefield could have had so much influence over so many parents. True, the…
January 14, 2011
I'm tired. Well, not exactly. I think I'm just suffering a case of what I like to call "anti-vax burnout." It's been a busy couple of weeks on the antivaccine front, given the new set of revelations about Andrew Wakefield, including even more detail about the nature of the scientific fraud he…
January 14, 2011
Bummer, people. The Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism has been announced for 2011 and will take place on April 9 and 10 in New York. It's going to be bigger and better than ever, going from one day to a whole weekend, and it has a killer lineup of speakers. And I can't go. Damn you…
January 13, 2011
It is with some trepidation and more than a little regret that I begin writing this piece. The reason for my hesitation is that, by doing so, no matter what I say I'll be inserting myself into what appears to be a disagreement among people all of whom I admire very much. I don't really want to do…
January 12, 2011
Clearly, once the allegations of Andrew Wakefield's fraud, conflicts of interest, and business plans to profit off of his demonization of the MMR came to light, it was only a matter of time before this arrived: NOTE: Apparently the creator of this parody has removed it. I've sent an e-mail asking…
January 11, 2011
One of the favorite attacks favored by advocates of pseudoscience, particularly advocates of the sort of pseudoscience favored by proponents of "alternative" medicine, particularly the more militant ones who really, really detest conventional, science-based medicine, is to poison the well with a…
January 10, 2011
The fallout from Brian Deer's further revelations of the scientific fraud that is anti-vaccine hero Andrew Wakefield continues apace. Remember last week, when I wrote about the first article of the two-part series enumerating the various ways that Andrew Wakefield committed scientific fraud in…
January 10, 2011
Remember how early this morning I posted about Mike Adam's despicable and ghoulish attempt to seize on the tragedy of the shooting of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) by Jared Lee Loughner as a way of blaming the pharmaceutical industry and government for his violent rampage and…
January 9, 2011
I've written a lot about Mike Adams, the man who founded NaturalNews.com and has been one of the most prominent promoters of quackery on the Internet. Indeed, Mike Adams appears to be battling it out with Joe Mercola for the title of owning the biggest quackery website on the Internet. There's one…
January 7, 2011
Just so you know, I claim the title of Mopey. Either that, or Sleepy, even though I'm not a trauma surgeon or OB/GYN.
January 6, 2011
If my post today is a bit shorter on the usual Respectfully and not-so-Respectfully Insolent verbiage that you've come to know and love (or hate), I hope you'll forgive me. It's hard not to sit back, rest a bit, and enjoy the spectacle of Andrew Wakefield being pilloried in the press in the wake of…
January 5, 2011
Pity poor Andrew Wakefield. 2010 was a terrible year for him, and 2011 is starting out almost as bad. In February 2010, the General Medical Council in the U.K. recommended that Wakefield be stripped of his license to practice medicine in the U.K. because of scientific misconduct related to his…
January 5, 2011
Hmmmm. Somehow I didn't think this was what one normally thinks of when one hears the term "coming out": You know. Sometimes tolerance is not called for.
January 4, 2011
Back in December, I took issue with a highly irritating article by someone who normally should know better, Jonah Lehrer, entitled The Truth Wears Off: Is There Something Wrong With the Scientific Method?, so much so that I wrote one of my typical long-winded deconstructions of the article. One…
January 4, 2011
As a blogger, every so often I come across a link, file it away, and then when I look through my link collection looking for topics to blog about I rediscover the link but totally forget where I got it from. This is just one of these times. However, since it's less than three weeks until the event…
January 3, 2011
About a week ago, I laid a bit of the ol' Orac-style ultra-snarkiness on CNN's chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta for having done an embarrassingly credulous interview with two of Oprah's minions who participated in the atrocity that was Oprah's episode about faith healer John of God. One…
January 3, 2011
As hard as it is to believe after the pile of poo that was 2010, the year 2011 is starting out rather promisingly, at least from the point of view of science-based medicine. Its beginning has been greeted with the release of two--count 'em, two!--books taking a skeptical, science-based look at…
January 2, 2011
You know, I think I agree with ZDoggMD. The anti-vaccine movement has become so successful that perhaps it needs its own movie franchise to show its heroic resistance against vaccines: It's round about time we in the medical community recognized the heroic efforts of those who would warn us against…
December 31, 2010
As hard as it is to believe, today is the last day of 2010. An old year has flown by once again, and, almost before I realized it, a new year will arrive where I live in mere hours. It's been a truly weird year, even more so than the average level of weirdness. That's why I can't think of a better…
December 30, 2010
Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here. I realize I say these things again and again and again, but they bear repeating because together they are a message that needs to be spread in as clear and unambiguous a form as possible. First, whenever you hear someone say, "I'm not anti-vaccine,"…
December 28, 2010
It's the week between Christmas and New Years, and, oddly enough, I'm feeling exceptionally lazy. For one thing, it's a slow "news" time; nothing much is happening to blog about, at least nothing that's motivated me to rouse myself from my declining food-induced coma to lay down some not-so-…
December 28, 2010
It's the week between Christmas and New Years, and, oddly enough, I'm feeling exceptionally lazy. For one thing, it's a slow "news" time; nothing much is happening to blog about, at least nothing that's motivated me to rouse myself from my declining food-induced coma to lay down some not-so-…
December 27, 2010
File this under another "better late (as in after Christmas) than never." Remember Elyse Anders? Remember how she successfully rallied skeptical activists to try to put the kibosh on an effort by the anti-vaccine group SafeMinds to infiltrate theaters with their commercials desguised as public…
December 27, 2010
Christmas is over. Heck even Boxing Day is over. Still, Orac is doing something very unusual for him in that he's taking a bit of a staycation at home. Consider it a sanity break. Even though I'll be working on grants and a variety of other projects at home and even though I haven't signed out my…
December 24, 2010
This being Christmas Eve and all, I hadn't planned on blogging. However, sometimes things happen that demand a change in plans. Consequently, although I don't plan on doing one of my usual logorrheic treatments of this issue, I do plan on mentioning something, because sometimes schadenfreude is a…
December 23, 2010
In discussing "alternative" medicine it's impossible not to discuss, at least briefly, placebo effects. Indeed, one of the most common complaints I (and others) voice about clinical trials of alternative medicine is lack of adequate placebo controls. Just type "acupuncture" in the search box in the…
December 22, 2010
My readers might not think that a Plexiglass box full of blinking colored lights cum most advanced computer in the galaxy would go to the trouble of celebrating Christmas, much less putting up an actual Christmas tree. Well, actually, he didn't. His wife did. But, then, Orac is a Plexiglass box of…
December 21, 2010
After you've been blogging as long as I have, you inevitably wind up on a lot of mailing lists. Publicity companies, for instance, long ago discovered that getting a buzz going in the blogosphere is every bit as important as trying to get coverage from the "traditional" media. If you're as…
December 21, 2010
When it comes to "alternative" medical practices from Asia (or from anywhere else, for that matter), I've ceased to be surprised by anything I hear. After all, if somehow, some way, people can justify just about any strange health that can be imagined. If you don't believe me, I have two words for…