
Profile picture for user oracknows
David Gorski

Orac is the nom de blog of a humble surgeon/scientist who has an ego just big enough to delude himself that someone, somewhere might actually give a rodent's posterior about his copious verbal meanderings, but just barely small enough to admit to himself that few probably will. That surgeon is otherwise known as David Gorski. That Orac has chosen his nom de blog based on a rather cranky and arrogant computer shaped like a clear box of blinking lights that he originally encountered when he became a fan of a 30 year old British SF television show whose special effects were renowned for their BBC/Doctor Who-style low budget look, but whose stories nonetheless resulted in some of the best, most innovative science fiction ever televised, should tell you nearly all that you need to know about Orac. (That, and the length of the preceding sentence.)

DISCLAIMER: The various written meanderings here are the opinions of Orac and Orac alone, written on his own time. They should never be construed as representing the opinions of any other person or entity, especially Orac's cancer center, department of surgery, medical school, or university. Also note that Orac is nonpartisan; he is more than willing to criticize the statements of anyone, regardless of of political leanings, if that anyone advocates pseudoscience or quackery. Finally, medical commentary is not to be construed in any way as medical advice.

To contact Orac: oracknows@gmail.com

Posts by this author

February 10, 2009
Poor Jeni Barnett. You remember Jeni Barnett, don't you? She's the U.K. radio host whose ill-informed rants against vaccines Ben Goldacre exposed so gloriously last week. Unfortunately, the price Ben paid consisted of threats of legal action for "copyright infringement" in the form of his having…
February 10, 2009
Because of the fallout from the revelation by Brian Deer that very likely Andrew Wakefield, hero of the antivaccine movement but, alas for his worshipers, one of the most dishonest and incompetent scientists who ever lived, had almost certainly falsified data for his infamous 1998 Lancet paper that…
February 9, 2009
I should have seen this one coming. After all, the economy's been in the crapper for several months now. Things are bad and getting worse, with the bottom not yet in sight. So who could prosper in this environment, except for repo men and liquor stores? Psychics, of course: NEW YORK (CNN) -- The…
February 9, 2009
Not again. I have no way of knowing if the media in my hometown happen to be more credulous when it comes to pseudoscience than average, but, given the number of stories referred to me emanating from Detroit and its surrounding suburbs, you'll forgive me if I'm very depressed right now. For…
February 7, 2009
Pity Andrew Wakefield. Actually, on second thought, Wakefield deserves no pity. After all, he is the man who almost single-handedly launched the scare over the MMR vaccine in Britain when he published his infamous Lancet paper in 1998 in which he claimed to have linked the MMR vaccine to regressive…
February 7, 2009
Sometimes, woo makes the news. Does anyone remember "Professor" Bill Nelson, the cross-dressing "inventor" who created a most amazing woo machine? I've written about it three times before: Your Friday Dose of Woo: Miraculous quest for the quantum Your Friday Dose of Woo: Serious woo from Down…
February 6, 2009
If I lived in the U.K., I don't know if I could blog. After all, the U.K. has some of the most plaintiff-friendly libel laws in the world, far more so than here in the U.S., in that in a libel case it is up to the defendant to prove that what he wrote is true, not the plaintiff to prove it false…
February 6, 2009
I realize that I've been neglecting my woo. Indeed, yesterday I noticed that it's been a month and a half since I did a real Friday Dose of Woo. Of course, that particular installation of my long-running blog series (over two and a half years!) was some incredibly powerful woo. In fact, it was…
February 5, 2009
I guess even the Vatican responds to public pressure, if it's intense enough. Last week, I noted an extremely disturbing story, a story that outraged me, a story that I would have found even more disturbing were I still a practicing Catholic but that I found disturbing enough even though I no…
February 4, 2009
Lately ScienceBlogs has been "buzzing" with a story that, at the risk of needing to don an asbestos suit for the insults that may come my way, I find utterly ridiculous. Here's the context: The Blogosphere is abuzz about an article in the LA Times regarding Second Lady Jill Biden's preference to be…
February 4, 2009
It's really hard to take David Kirby seriously any more. Well, actually, it's been hard to take him seriously for at nearly four years now, ever since he wrote his paean to antivaccinationists, Evidence of Harm, in which no conspiracy-mongering related to mercury as an alleged cause of autism was…
February 3, 2009
Ten months ago, I thought I was joking. I really did. Regular readers may (or may not) remember back in March, when, in one of my usual flights of fancy, I decided that I could write a short fictional interlude, a combat scene. True, I didn't do it because I wanted actually to write a fictional…
February 2, 2009
I'm pretty sure that I've mentioned this before at least a couple of times, but I am an alumnus of the University of Michigan twice over. I completed a B.S. in Chemistry with Honors there and then I stayed on to do obtain my M.D. Several of my longtime friendships were forged or solidified during…
February 2, 2009
I love Tim Minchin. I also totally understand where he's coming from when it comes to confronting woo, though, as I've described here. In any case, see Tim in action (parts may be NSFW due to profanity): Enjoy, as I'm running a bit late in producing my usual content for Monday. Fear not, it's…
February 1, 2009
Sometimes, coincidence is a strange thing indeed. Friday, I wrote this post about yet another meta-analysis whose results are completely consistent with acupuncture being nothing more than an elaborate placebo. Later that day, less than four hours after my post went live, I received this e-mail…
January 31, 2009
I've been a bit remiss about writing about this story. For that, I apologize. I realize a lot of you sent me links. For some reason, this week was an embarrassment of riches in terms of blogging material, and I didn't have time to get to it all. With that out of the way, let me just say that I find…
January 30, 2009
Sometimes I come across something so bizarre, so utterly wrong, that my mind reels in confusion and amazement, not to mention horror, that anyone can actually think or write something something like it. In fact, for a moment I considered offering up this one bit of horrifically inspired…
January 29, 2009
Sorry I'm late announcing it, but better late than never. Right on schedule, the 104th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle has arrived at Space City Skeptics. In fact, it's the sort of thing that will test your mind and cleverness in that it's...well, a test. But don't worry. It's not one of those…
January 29, 2009
I think my title says it all: Can we finally just say that acupuncture is nothing more than an elaborate placebo? Can we? The reason I ask this question is because yet another large meta-analysis has been released that is entirely consistent with the hypothesis that acupuncture is a placebo.…
January 28, 2009
...it smells like...fisking. In this case, it's a fisking of a particularly annoyingly self-righteous and scientifically ignorant antivaccinationist by a medical student. The annoying drinker of the "vaccines cause autism" Kool Aid is Ginger Taylor. The medical student is Adina Cappell. The…
January 28, 2009
If you've browsed the redesigned front page of ScienceBlogs, you'll see that our benevolent ScienceBlogs Overlords at Seed Magazine have started a project that they have so humbly termed The Rightful Place Project: Reviving Science in America, which is described thusly: In his first speech as…
January 27, 2009
It looks like I've been sucked into another streak again. Regular readers know that examining the claims of the antivaccine movement with skepticism, science, and critical thinking has been a theme of this blog from the very beginning. If there's one thing I've learned over the last four years, it'…
January 26, 2009
When I mentioned a while back that, although I like awards as much as the next guy, I don't go actively seeking them, I wasn't kidding. As evidence that I wasn't kidding, I point out that, until some of you started letting me know about it, I had no clue that I had actually won the 2008 Medical…
January 26, 2009
Remember the quack-friendly scammer Kevin Trudeau? Remember his book Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About? Back during the summer, he was fined $5 million and ordered not to produce or publish infomercials for products in which he had an interest. Given the huge profits he made from…
January 26, 2009
Beginning on Friday after my post expressing amazement at something as rare as a 70° F temperature in January (at least around my neck of the woods), namely an actual provaccine article in the Huffington Post, a number of you began sending me links to a story that I find most disturbing, a mini-…
January 25, 2009
Back in December, I pointed out a Norwegian movie that the Hitler Zombie definitely approves of: Dead Snow (or Død Snø in Norwegian). After all, how can you go wrong with Nazi zombies in a remote, snow bound area in Norway attacking the usual bunch of hapless but beautiful young people? I don'…
January 25, 2009
Well, it's frigid indeed this weekend around Castle Orac. I need something to warm the cockles of the circuits in the deepest, darkest depths of winter, and I know just the thing: A heapin' helpin' of the best skeptical blogging out there. Fortunately, the next meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is…
January 24, 2009
It's no secret that I'm a Mac geek, at least not to any of my readers, family, or friends. Neither is it a secret at my job that I'm a Mac geek, mainly because, although the university where I'm faculty is perfectly fine with Macs, the cancer center where my laboratory, clinic, and office are…
January 23, 2009
When it comes to science, I've always detested The Huffington Post. Nearly four years ago, when Arianna Huffington's vanity group political blog went live, I was the first one to notice a most disturbing trend about it. As far as I knew at the time (or know now), I was the only one to have noticed…
January 22, 2009
The latest Change of Shift, the blog carnival for nursing, is up at Emergiblog. Be sure to check it out. I've also been remiss in not mentioning that Dr. Val is hosting Grand Rounds. Enjoy that, too!